So we spent the first half of beta with all repeatable AP sources (world quests, item drops, missions, etc.) scaling, and all story quests and treasures flat. We started off the design of the system thinking along the exact same lines as many of the posters in this thread: We figured that we should make sure that one-time AP rewards did not scale, or else the “right” answer might be to delay completing key quests or collecting any treasures until you had higher Knowledge. The fact that Artifact Power rewards from quests and treasures now scale with Knowledge is not a bug. Sure, you could do that … but any advantage would be minimal at best. One-time Artifact Power quest rewards now scale with Artifact Knowledge, prompting players to wonder if the most efficient thing to do would be never turn in these quests (or loot treasures) until the rewards scaled sufficiently high. That considered, it’s no surprise Watcher jumped into a recent thread on the beta forums to provide clarification for a recent scaling change. You need to get hands-on with the system to eliminate the confusion - and potential intimidation. When you’re actually playing, though, it feels natural: You get the items you need at regular intervals and most of the work is done under the hood. It’s like leveling up, but it’s your weapon instead of yourself, and the cost of new traits increases over time, but your rate of accruing power also increases over time, and … you get the idea.

Any attempts to explain their function inevitably over-complicates the system. If you aren’t in the Legion beta, you’d be forgiven for being confused as to how Artifact Power and Artifact Knowledge work.