Click the Scenario button from the Main Menu to proceed to the Scenario screen. Objectives include reaching a profit goal, having a certain number of airline contracts, and so on. Generally, you will have a limited number of years to attain all of the objectives for a scenario. Scenario Airport Tycoon 2 includes a number of scenarios to provide you with some extra challenge in building an airport, or managing a previously built airport. Click the Cancel button to return to the Main Menu.

When you have selected a city in which you wish to build your airport, click the Accept button on the left hand side of the screen to start the game. You will see information such population, number of continental and intercontinental flights, as well as severe weather conditions you may experience in that area. Click on a city in the list to see information on that city. Once you have selected a continent, a list of cities will appear in the list on the right hand side of the screen. If AutoPlay is disabled, click the Start button on your Windows task bar and select Programs/Global Star/Airport Tycoon 2 and then click the Play AT2 link. Starting the Game If AutoPlay is enabled, click Play on the AutoPlay menu to start the game. Follow the on screen instructions to install Airport Tycoon 2. Double click the My Computer icon on your desktop, then right click on your CD-ROM drive and select Explore. If AutoPlay is disabled, you must manually launch the AutoPlay program. From here you can select where in the world you wish to build your airport. Upon clicking New Game you are taken to the Choose Location Screen. New Game Click on New Game to begin a new Free Play game. Several Options are available to you from the Main Menu. MAIN MENU After the game loads, you are presented with the Main Menu. Follow the on screen instructions to uninstall the game. Uninstalling the Game To uninstall Airport Tycoon 2 click the Start button on your Windows task bar and select Programs / Global Star / Airport Tycoon 2 and then click the Uninstall AT2 link. Click Install and then follow the on screen instructions to install Airport Tycoon 2. If AutoPlay is enabled, the AutoPlay menu will appear a few seconds. DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card Installing the Game Insert the Airport Tycoon 2 game disc into your CD-ROM drive.DirectX 8.1 compatible 3D accelerated video card with at least 32 MB RAM.INSTALLATION Requirements Please be sure your computer meets or exceeds the following requirements before installing and playing Airport Tycoon 2. 7 Credits.8 Exit.8 Playing a Free Play Game.

4 Uninstalling the Game.5įrequently Asked Questions.25 Credits.30 Technical Support Information. AIRPORT TYCOON 2 Table of Contents Installation.